Styx Tyger - "String Strikes". Styx Tyger found a synthesizer in the alley trash; couldn't get it to work. Then one spring afternoon they were doing an early BBQ on the back patio, listening to the Cute and chewing on fresh rhubarb and looking into the rainbows, using the synth as a rail for leaning - and oh oh oh, lookit that, found the thing ran on sunlight. Now that they had figured out the keyboard, Styx Tyger went back to the alleyway. They rummaged in shiny candy-wrappers for more stuff. They found a flower that flowered in sunlight. They found a caterpillar that wriggled in sunlight. And then they found a packet of guitar-strings, hard as steel and the colour of gold (i.e., gold). They strung their guitars and ring-ring-ring played them. Kids came from miles. Bluebirds and condors landed on their roof. Styx Tyger were no less melancholy but now they had sunshine. They threw away their Cure albums - they didn't need them any more.
Who are these marvelous Swedes!? (Thanks, Irre.)
[Styx Tyger MySpace / Song originally by Agent Side Grinder]
If you, like me, hadn't seen this video - "the 2008 'Where The Hell Is Matt' video", - you should. Internet silliness but its ambition is ceaseless.
Caff/Flick Records has redesigned its website, making the entire Freak Paeans catalogue (previously) available for free.
And finally, friends in Scotland have just launched TEN TRACKS. A remarkable & awesome concept for exploring new bands and new songs. Each month, £1 gets you a bundle of 10 terrific tracks - Scottish indie/folk/pop or a set curated by the gurus at Optimo. Money goes to artists, songs go to you, and you can sample just in case, too. TERRIFIC.
Adorable picture. I just love stuff like that.
Posted by Subservient Experiment at October 13, 2008 3:27 PMYou're welcome!
Posted by Irre at October 14, 2008 6:44 PMknitta please.
Posted by nate at October 17, 2008 5:33 PMThey are a great set of photos - wish I could knit
Posted by Chalky at October 23, 2008 5:08 AM