Shotgun Jimmie - "Late Last Year"
Short short long, that's the signature buzz. Get inside, take off scarf, take off toque, take off mittens and boots, switch to slippers. Take off heavy coat, stuff the pockets with the rest and hang it in the closet. Sit down, crackers and aged cheese (cheddar fort, like snow fort but with cheddar) and do a jumble together. TRIPE. BUFFET. HEALED. GRUNT. (where the billiard champ left his keys = corner pocket) Do a coupla clues of the cryptic together, while tapping fingers and letting the clock tick loudly. Fresh weight for Isaac (6). "Hey, I figured something out last night when I was walking home." The bananas in the bowl are starting to waft, they want attention, they're growing spots. "I figured it out," slippers pap on the floor, juice sits limitless in the glass, meniscus whisping to infinity, "I love you." "Newton." [coming soon from You've Changed Records]
Andre Afram Asmar - "U Too Can Syn"
Tagline for Club Night, Ice Cream Commercial, Post-Edge-Murders-Bono Headline, or Text Messsage from God? [Buy]
Posted by Dan at February 11, 2011 4:59 PM