Light Heat - "Brain to Recorder"
Brian was on a training shift. He was training Namij, who needed to know how to use all the equipment and how the schedule worked and what was expected of him. "First thing, we'll tuck in your shirt," he smiled and Namij tucked in the black golf shirt. Brian didn't literally mean we would tuck in the shirt. Namij was skilled with the vegetable slicer and Brian watched patiently as he struggled with refilling the sauces. Best not to interfere and correct their mistakes, so they can know for themselves what mistakes are. Brian repeated the same ideas a couple of times in different ways to make sure they were understood. "Do you have any questions?" Brian would often ask, and Namij never did, so that was good. Sometimes a question is good, too, if it's not too basic. Brian checked the clock and it was half-past, he watched Namij leaved and it was still light out. He had to go to the bathroom, so he put up the sign and went. In the mirror, his nametag read "nairB", and in two mirrors his face looked all crooked, like he had a broken jaw. [Buy]
Posted by Dan at July 5, 2013 6:49 PMLight Heat has been in heavy rotation lately. Were you fellas fans of Mazarin?
Posted by Tim at July 6, 2013 5:31 PM