This is the story of a song that causes people to commit suicide. Hungarian composer Reszo Seress wrote the song Gloomy Sunday, apparently while depressed and during an actual gloomy Sunday, and soon after people started turning up dead.

The sheet music was reportedly found close by, or witnesses heard or saw them listening to the song performed, sung, or even whistled, merely hours before their death. All unsubstantiated gossip of course, but interesting. Since then, 1932, the song has been much recorded, including the most famous rendition by Billie Holiday,

but also by other newer artists like Diamanda Galas and Bjork.

and most recently, the inspiration for this post, by Venetian Snares.

The number of suicides, however, at least to my knowledge, has not increased, even though many more people have heard the song than in that time. If anything, it's gone from some to none (reported, anyway). So, why has Gloomy Sunday lost its power? Why aren't the bodies dropping the way they did in the old days? Well, in my opinion, there's no version here which truly captures what makes this song sad: the melody. That's why, if we were to make a chart, the body count goes steadily down from Artie Shaw's version (probably a tame version of what used to exist), because he is the only one who knows that the clarinet is essential (it should sing the song), and the melody should be forefront. The vocalist is tacked on for whatever reason, and the song devolves into what the others suffer from: huge sweeping melodrama, big band swell. There's no point in swelling, there's no point in making it epic, and there's no point in focussing on the lyrics, it only distracts from the tears I could be shedding. Especially since the lyrics are literally about contemplating suicide; let me get to that on my own! So forget Diamanda Galas (and Bjork, for that matter) this song isn't about screaming anguish, it's about covering your vision in a continuous dripping stroke of tunnelvisioned melancholy. THAT'S how we'll get the kids sad, Reszo. That's how we'll make the papers. You'll be famous again.
Posted by Dan at September 19, 2005 4:48 AMtremendous post. i didn't know anything about this!I like the Venetian Snares track best, but it's certainly not the saddest (though it sounds like it could be the remix to a magic spell). I agree with you on the clarinet.
What I found interesting was, on the Diamanda Galas version, the way the piano strongly recalled "Happy Birthday" for me... Like the broken and sorrowful variation on that happy theme.
Posted by Sean at September 19, 2005 7:30 AMThe people over at are skeptical:
No way, it's all about the Diamanda Galas version. Also, Sarah Brightman does a great version that has a sickly sweetness to it. The trick, in my opinion, is omiting the final verse, which was added for the American version written for Billie Holiday version to brighten things up. Sadly, it has remained in most versions since.
Posted by Ash Karreau at September 19, 2005 8:56 AMHahaha, I love how Snopes can't disprove that this really happened.
Posted by Sean at September 19, 2005 9:04 AMIn my opinion the best recording of this song is from 1958, sung by Mel Torme ( He leaves out the last verse. Haunting.
Posted by Janus at September 19, 2005 10:22 AMI seem to recall a live version of "Gloomy Sunday" by Sarah McLachlan floating around in the mid-90s. As dark songs go, her version is pretty depressing. Just her and a guitar. No big band moments at all.
Posted by queazy at September 19, 2005 12:14 PMIt's like a pre-VCR The Ring. What I want to know is, why have you cursed us? If we leave more comments will you uncurse us?
Interesting tracks, thanks. I think that of these four Artie Shaw's comes closest to nailing it.
Posted by Tuwa at September 19, 2005 12:27 PMWhat about Billy MacKenzie's version from 'Sulk'? Splendidly operatic! Here's what Bjork had to say about it:
"I didn't realise "Gloomy Sunday" wasn't one of their tunes until I got invited to do a benefit concert with Joni Mitchell in California in 1997. I turned up at the rehearsal and couldn't believe it when the orchestra played this really straight jazz version without the outrageous key change in the middle. I tried protesting they were missing out the best part of the song, then it dawned on me that the Associates version was obviously a cover. I was disappointed because the original isn't half as challenging."
Posted by Jake at September 19, 2005 3:54 PMThe Diamanda Galas version is my favourite. How I love that banshee.
Posted by muruch at September 19, 2005 4:50 PMElvis Costello also has a version of "Gloomy Sunday" that can be found on cd2 of the trust reissue.
Posted by joe chip at September 19, 2005 6:07 PMDon't forget Church of Satan founder Anton LaVey's version.
PCL Linkdump had an MP3 of that one a few months back:
awesome post, i actually bought a billy holliday cd after hearing the vsnares version.
Posted by huphtur at September 19, 2005 6:51 PMhey man, excellent post. not often you learn something new on a blog. thanks
Posted by chris at September 19, 2005 10:24 PMGreat post, Danny.
Posted by Roger at September 20, 2005 1:38 AMSuch, such a great post! Great job, Dan.
By the way, does anyone know who the vocalist on the Artie Shaw version is?
Posted by rosie at September 20, 2005 2:20 PMDamn, there IS something disturbing about that melody.
Don't worry, I'm mentally stable ;) But man, that's strange stuff.
Posted by Akio at September 21, 2005 6:24 AMI have to mention Elvis Costello's pre-awful-"crooner" metamorphosis version, as a solo acoustic outtake from the "Trust" sessions. Nothing overblown, just the large and lovely bassy Elvis-in-his-prime voice. Check it out.
Posted by MEM at September 21, 2005 11:52 AMAnd of course, even though I checked before I posted, someone else has already mentioned it. Apologies.
Posted by MEM at September 21, 2005 11:54 AMI found that Sarah McLachlan version as mp3:

The Diamanda Galas version is amazing. I've only had it for a week and it is already the most played song on my iPod.
I am a huge Bjork fan, and I'm trying to find an MP3 of her version.
Posted by Anonymous at September 22, 2005 6:53 PMGitane Demone did a version of this song. When first listening, I found her voice coupled with the song entirely lugubrious, but upon further sessions found it to be lovely and haunting.
I have the song on my computer but don't know how to plug it into a website for to offer it to others.
Posted by austere_absence at September 22, 2005 7:34 PMThanks - I've been looking for a version of this song since seeing the movie of the same name (which is good, btw, and uses a cover by Heather Nova - is there anyone who HASN'T sung this song!?). Now I have four!
Posted by nzlaura at September 23, 2005 5:29 PMCan some one give me the Diamanda Galas version?
Posted by Fries at September 25, 2005 10:46 PMI need a good site that has it download.
Posted by Fries at September 25, 2005 11:00 PMuh, Fries, it's right there.
Posted by dan at September 26, 2005 2:08 AMI clicked on the link to the Artie Shaw version to download it. Downloaded it, and as I opened it I noticed that the file I got was only 12 kb. Nothing played. Upon opening it, my "My Music" folder disappeared and I've just spent 3 hours recovering it. Thats not funny! If this isn't intentional I think you should look into it and see what kind of file is loading from that link. I would hate for this to happen to anyone else. I enjoyed your commentary on this beautiful song, but not the effect of the download.
Posted by Dianne at September 29, 2005 8:52 AMHi Dianne.
It's awful that you had such a headache!
The Artie Shaw track's no longer available for download - we only keep mp3s online for a short time. If you click on the link you'll see that it brings you to a "file not found" page. When you right-clicked to "save as" and download the mp3, you will just have downloaded the page that says "can't find it!.
I have -no- idea how that might have affected your Music folder; it doesn't make any sense to me. But please do believe we don't do anything nasty and the only thing wrong with the file was that it was gone! :)
Posted by Sean at September 29, 2005 9:02 AMI also think that Sarah McLachlan's version is one of the best - it's so emotive - Heather Nova's is popish - but cool anyway... :o)
You can know more about the song at:
There is versions in many languages. In German it's called Einsamer Sonntag. I have a version by Fischer Chöre but it doesn't have the third refrain. If anyone wants, send me an email...
Posted by Dine at October 2, 2005 10:21 AMi have an extensive collection of recordings of Gloomy Sunday, but have never found a date for Anton LaVey's recording ~ can anyone help?
Posted by simon at October 4, 2005 4:33 PMDiamandas version is different! They made her change the ending so it wouldnt sound to HAPPY. I know everything about this talented lady, and follow her all over the world.
Posted by Mark at October 18, 2005 5:14 PMi have fourteen covers of gloomy sunday. i seriously want the original...
Posted by james at November 5, 2005 1:50 AMI just wanted to know if anyone knew where you can get the original version - im so anxious/curious to hear it!
I only found out about this because of the venetian snares album and somehow came upon this.
Posted by Natalia at November 22, 2005 1:56 AMJust knew about this song (or this "series") since yesterday, and I jumped into here on the way to find the original one. It seems you too have noclue too..
@james: I bet there s more than 14 verson, as there s also a Vietnamese verson of that song (my mother tongue :D)
Posted by kronpas at November 24, 2005 12:23 PMdose anye one know wher i can find the origional song with the real lyrics? iv been looking all over but have come up with zip....
post back hear if you can help me.
thanxx. (:
hmm..i actually found a korean version..i've found so many versions. I WANT THE ORGINAL!
Posted by Justin at January 3, 2006 7:08 PMcan someone tell me where can i find the real gloomy sunday by Reszo Seress
Posted by cary1234 at January 28, 2006 2:56 AMI've been listening to the Venetian Snares cover repeatedly these past few days. So I did a search on the lyrics. Very interesting...
Posted by Sarah at February 2, 2006 10:59 AMCould anyone give me Artie Shaw's version? I like Sarah McLachlan's one sounds depressing..I would like to listen to the original one too
Posted by Camille at February 8, 2006 12:30 PMCould anyone please help me find the link to Bjork's version of "gloomy sunday"? Thank you soooooo much!
Posted by ivana at February 20, 2006 5:04 AM1st, want to say hi 2 moment....... naku, kakatakot gloomy sunday. hahahaha. hope i can hear it also..... hahahahaha....... more powers.. 29
Posted by Moment....... at February 27, 2006 5:17 AMi heard the song and its so sad... but nothing special.. people commit suicide because this song is for depressed people, they relate to the song and kill themselves... pero in fact, natawa lang ako, HAHAHAHA!
Posted by Marius at March 6, 2006 6:23 AMHi
I ve got some Gloomy version if some ppl want to trade
i have the orchestra one, no lyrics tho :P
Posted by Jen at May 9, 2006 12:49 AMPLEASE email me the Artie Shaw and Billie Holiday versions.
Posted by Matthew Villani at May 15, 2006 10:05 AMcan i ask is this the artist name and the name of the song?
Artie Shaw and His Band - Gloomy Sunday?
Posted by Peter at May 16, 2006 10:48 PMdoes anyone have the original rezso seress version? i need it for a music report, please e-mail it to if you have it!
Posted by dr-spangle at May 17, 2006 10:19 AMHi everyone, Gloomy Sunday has captured me right when i turn it on. I'm too curious to listen to the original version but cant find it anywhere. So i cam back here in search for help, any1 has a clue, plz contact me. Thank you.
Posted by Seiryu at May 21, 2006 2:24 PMye i need dat original version soooooo much i want to hear it to see just how depressing it is, coz i tink its all just a myth.
Posted by dave man at May 28, 2006 5:26 PMi got de original, its shite
Posted by dave man at May 29, 2006 3:20 PMhi, i do not know the original version, but there is a Hungarian one on the youtube site. In the "Hungarian idol" a girl chose this song...the Hungarian titel is Szomorú Vasárnap.
Posted by Anonymous at June 1, 2006 4:39 AMhow i can listen it????
Posted by Hoai Nam at June 5, 2006 12:02 PMI downloaded a 1930's Hungarian recording of it from Limewire. I don't recall the singer's name since i'm not at my home computer. I can check and get back to you all. Otherwise go to limewire and type Szomoru Vasarnap. The singer's name begins with a K
Posted by Anonymous at June 27, 2006 11:18 AMyes!!! plz get back to us all on the singers name
Posted by Dan at June 29, 2006 2:11 AMHey i had no idea that others were also interested in the history and ghostly beautiful melody of this song. I found a version with artist named rezso seress on limewire as someone else poeted earlier, with just a piano and violin playing the melody very
nice. Have to add that i think one of the best remnisions of this song is by bjork she really nows how to discover the essence very talented.
I've been looking for this as well, and I'd really like to hear the original with vocals. I've heard the orchestraed version, and it's great, so is Sarah Mclachlans version from the 90's. If anyone has some of the original versions, could you send it to me? I'd really love to have them, they're not legendary for nothing.
Posted by Nemene at July 9, 2006 6:16 AMi've noticed that a ton of people have asked for the original version of this song, but no one put a link on. can someone PLEASE either put a link on or send it to me?
Posted by Colleen at August 20, 2006 8:16 PMI've neveer been so sad
Never been so blue
Just as tired as I can be
There is a moon outside
Somewhere in the sky
But it just don't shine for me
And I will keep my vow
As a payment for my sin
And I don't know where I'm going now
But I won't be back again
I was a foolish boy
And I'm a foolish man
Can't seem to keep from crying
Everything I love
Slips away like sand
All my life I have been dying
And I know that I was wrong
Yes I know I am to blame
Will you miss me when I'm cold, dead and gone
Will you ever be the same
And now it's almost time
Now it is almost done
Ain't nothing left to say
Believe it's time to go
On to the other side
Much better off this way
Yes, I will drink this wine
It will soothe me by and by
Lord, it's just another state of mind
And I won't be here to cry
[written to complete the cycle of songs
Gloomy Sunday > Stormy Monday > Nevermore
comments welcome
nevermore / copyright jacobdylantaylor 2006][real_origonal_'1936']-Gloomy_Sunday.wma?down_num=1037180278&board=mezzo&command=down_load&d=&filename=Rezso_seress_[real_origonal_'1936']-Gloomy_Sunday.wma
this just might be the original. well, he speaks english but í think the background music is similar to original.
Posted by itsmee at September 21, 2006 4:33 PMIf anyone still has ANY version of this song, would you please upload it to
Piratebay is here to stay, so please upload it there. (The files have been taken down from the links on this blog.)
I am particularly interested in the Sara McLachlan's guitar one.
Much appreciated!!
Posted by Johanna at November 5, 2006 4:16 PMI had the original ( I'm pretty sure that was the one), but i had to format the computer so now it's gone... I can't find it on the Internet eiether, but I think I downloaded it from Kaaza.
If anyone finds it, please post it on Piratebay, as mentioned before.
Posted by Paul at November 7, 2006 3:54 PMi cant find it anywhere
and i want to listen to it soooo badly!!!
I'd love to have any and all orchestral/ballroom versions of this song if anyone has them!
Posted by Brad at November 14, 2006 8:31 PMI didn't heard yet, but my heart thunders when I see something about "Gloomy Sunday". I have a own wish to get it.
Posted by Ravindra at November 22, 2006 6:16 AMthe one above mentioned by itsmee is not original. i think original isn't to be found anywhere. I got the right lyrics though.
It is autumn and the leaves are falling
All love has died on earth
The wind is weeping with sorrowful tears
My heart will never hope for a new spring again
My tears and my sorrows are all in vain
People are heartless, greedy and wicked...
Love has died!
The world has come to its end, hope has ceased to have a meaning
Cities are being wiped out, shrapnel is making music
Meadows are coloured red with human blood
There are dead people on the streets everywhere
I will say another quiet prayer:
People are sinners, Lord, they make mistakes...
The world has ended!
Posted by paridhi at December 27, 2006 10:12 AMplease someone tell me the real story behind this song, i have read many articles about it but non link. i want to know the truth.
did he receive it in a dream by the devil or was he sittin down to his window when he got the idea?
please send me a msg, tell me.
Posted by me at January 4, 2007 9:44 AMYeah I had a link for his Bio and everything about this song but no Original version for download
and try in wikipedia for add detail
You All Just Kidding me!
Ican't download any files from this page
And I believes the original can't kill me!
Posted by THAILAND People at January 24, 2007 6:01 AMI found a version that could be the original, or one of the originals (it's in Hungarian, it's definatly old, probably recorded before the english versions, it uses Laszlo Javour's lyrics [ive read the Hungrain and the singer does in fact say those exact words]).
It's very hard to find, it said the artist was "Krady Katalin". I'm not to sure on the that fact though, because i then found a few other "Krady Katalin" songs and they were a Hungrain female in all of them. Interested, i looked on the web for info, it all being in Hungraian I did manage to get the gist of some of it, and she was a film star in Hungary.
Anyway, it's a great version non the less, it is quite haunting actualy. But it wont make you kill yourself lol.
One more thing, before i found this version I found a 30 second sample of "THE ORIGINAL" of the hungarian Wikipedia site, it is different to the Karady Katalin version, it's a very plinky-plonky piano and it uses Laszlo Javor's lyrics. Will post a link when I find it again (to the hungrain wiki page.
Hope your happy with all that xD.
Posted by Krys at January 29, 2007 11:10 PMI have to hear that song! I want it so baaaaad.
Posted by Royal at February 1, 2007 5:49 AM"Gloomy Sunday"
Sunday is Gloomy,
My hours are slumberless,
Dearest, the shadows I live with are numberless
Little white flowers will never awaken you
Not where the black coach of sorrow has taken you
Angels have no thought of ever returning you
Would they be angry if I thought of joining you
Gloomy Sunday
Sunday is gloomy
with shadows I spend it all
My heart and I have decided to end it all
Soon there'll be flowers and prayers that are sad,
I know, let them not weep,
Let them know that I'm glad to go
Death is no dream,
For in death I'm caressing you
With the last breath of my soul I'll be blessing you
Gloomy Sunday
I was only dreaming
I wake and I find you
Asleep in the deep of
My heart
Darling I hope that my dream never haunted you
My heart is telling you how much I wanted you
Gloomy Sunday
i need the entire information about the record!! if the lyrics are the same as i found righthere!!whats wrong in it??there is nothing i found harmfull or suicidal!!can you please send me the original lyrics?from where i can get the original reord or the very song??
Posted by mansi at February 19, 2007 4:51 AMLiteral English translation of the FIRST Gloomy Sunday (war type lyrics):
It is autumn and the leaves are falling
All love has died on earth
The wind is weeping with sorrowful tears
My heart will never hope for a new spring again
My tears and my sorrows are all in vain
People are heartless, greedy and wicked...
Love has died!
The world has come to its end, hope has ceased to have a meaning
Cities are being wiped out, shrapnel is making music
Meadows are coloured red with human blood
There are dead people on the streets everywhere
I will say another quiet prayer:
People are sinners, Lord, they make mistakes...
The world has ended!
But you will be on about the 'famous' Hungaian 'Suicide' song, it's the same song, but the lyrics were changed by Laszlo Javor to a suicide theme, which the literal english translation is: (It is more depressing that the version you will have heard if you imagine it the right way)...
Gloomy Sunday with a hundred white flowers
I was waiting for you my dearest with a prayer
A Sunday morning, chasing after my dreams
The carriage of my sorrow returned to me without you
It is since then that my Sundays have been forever sad
Tears my only drink, the sorrow my bread...
Gloomy Sunday
This last Sunday, my darling please come to me
There'll be a priest, a coffin, a catafalque and a winding-sheet
There'll be flowers for you, flowers and a coffin
Under the blossoming trees it will be my last journey
My eyes will be open, so that I could see you for a last time
Don't be afraid of my eyes, I'm blessing you even in my death...
The last Sunday
Posted by Krys6 at March 2, 2007 8:58 PMAs I've said before, there are two songs that lcaim to tbe the original. One is dubbed "Karady Katalin" and the other is unkown.
Can we get someone to translate the Hungrain Wiki Szomoru Vasarnap page into pure english? I know the page on en.wikipeida is nothing like it, because of the extra names and the sound sample of "The original" one... I wounder if there are any more clues in the Hungrain page to where we might find this version.
As I've said, I own the "Karady Katalin" version. And that IS much more depressing than the Artie Shaw version, but it is in Hungraian so I cant capture the lyrics from the song, although I've read the english translation.
I say if you are looking for the most depressing version of this song, it's out of 3:
Billie Holiday's
"Karady Katalin"'s
The instrumental from the film.
Hope that helps =D
Posted by Krys at March 2, 2007 9:07 PMhi guys, this is really frustrating. does anyone at all know where i can download/listen to the original version of the song? from the posts already here i'm guessing not.
i don't find the newer versions of the song depressing at all. i'm just so curious to listen to the original.
if u have it please be kind enough to email it to me at
Posted by jono at March 8, 2007 5:55 PMTry this:
Posted by TGZ7 at March 21, 2007 7:05 AMThis is THE original text:
Szomorú vasárnap
Szomorú vasárnap
száz fehér virággal
vártalak kedvesem
templomi imával.
Ãlmokat kergetõ
vasárnap délelõtt,
bánatom hintaja
nélküled visszajött.
Azóta szomorú
mindig a vasárnap,
könny csak az italom,
kenyerem a bánat.
Szomorú vasárnap.
Utolsó vasárnap
kedvesem gyere el,
pap is lesz, koporsó,
ravatal, gyászlepel.
Akkor is virág vár,
virág és - koporsó.
Virágos fák alatt
utam az utolsó.
Nyitva lesz szemem, hogy
még egyszer lássalak.
Ne féj a szememtõl,
holtan is áldalak...
Utolsó vasárnap.
music by Seress Rezsõ, lyrics by Jávor László
Posted by Mike from Hungary at March 23, 2007 5:16 PMhi irealey want to listern to the song some one send me a a down load that wont be bloked by pearewnt garud
Posted by DE at March 27, 2007 2:32 PMI keep finding articles that say the original was destroyed and banned from ever being played. I am obessesed with the song. For anyone that is looking for a version of it i would say go to a record store and look for a record of the original.
Posted by Allie at April 6, 2007 3:48 AMAnyone got the Satan's Sadists version?
Posted by Krys at April 8, 2007 10:59 AMp.s. I've also heard that Satan's Sadists' version is identical to Satan's Cheerleaders' version because it was the same band. So either would do.
Posted by Krys at April 12, 2007 8:40 PMDoes no one know where i can find the orrigonal Seress RezsÅ song? I am desperate. :(
Posted by malingos at May 10, 2007 3:43 PMok the real story if u want it email me and i can give u the story the lyrics and the song yes the actual song the one i have is by Billy Holiday and she added the part about waking up and dreaming... the real artist of the song did not have that stanza on there. i even have the urls for the sheet music
i am now hooked on this i have done so much research on this song.i listen to this song now every single day and i love it. i relized the song is about suicide a little whil after i listened to it.
Posted by Beverly at June 2, 2007 7:07 PMFound the Satan's Sadists/Cheerleaders version. And now I need Hades' version lol.
Posted by Krys at June 6, 2007 7:17 PMTo the history of this song u have to know Hungary's history, which is all about suffering. Like eskimos have many words/expressions on "snow", hungarians have many many expressions on suffering,pain,tragedy, its almost impossible to translate authenticly them.
To the legend of the song, the original hungarian version of the lyric is much different of the Billie Holiday's version, which gives a lil hope at the end...the original doesnt...its just pure tragedy.
I will link u some hungarian versions that i found.
By Maros Gabor
By Poka Angela
And from the movie Gloomy Sunday by Marosan Erika
Hope u will enjoy it.
ps:I DO NOT recommand those whom suffering of lost love.
Posted by amokk at June 23, 2007 2:14 PMYeah well as much as i would like to listen to the original version i don't think any of us have an ice cubes chance in hell to be honest.
Posted by Chris at August 10, 2007 1:56 PM
Posted by moo at December 11, 2007 12:00 PMI know it may seem abit pointless to some of you, but I've created a Rezso Seress/Gloomy Sunday forum for anybody who is a fan of the song:
I am currently in process of creating a whole website dedicated entirely to Gloomy Sunday, full of the research I've been doing for roughly a year now. The site is not completed yet, but at the moment it's my number one priority.
Hope to see you there.
Posted by Krys666 at January 1, 2008 9:07 PMIt's not necessarily an authoritative source, mind you, but Wikipedia tells me that the 'string of suicides' associated with this song was largely an urban legend. The song's author did commit suicide in 1968, and there have been one or two people who did covers of the songs and then years later committed suicide, but there weren't people lining up to jump out windows like there were girls swooning for the Beatles.
Hate to burst the gloomy bubble, but them's the facts from what I have been able to gather. I *would* like to see the original Hungarian port to English though, because the current poetic lyrics are already pretty dark and doomy. I can't even fathom what "crushingly hopeless" lyrics would be like!
Posted by Dave at April 29, 2008 8:45 PMDave.
Do you mean an english version of Szomoru Vasarnap, or Vege a Vilagnak? I am 100% certain that Szomoru Vasarnap came first, because I've read Hungarian sources etc. I'd like to hear a "crushing hoplessness" version of Szomoru Vasarnap and of Vege a vilagnak. But translating meaning into songs is very difficult.
One day I hope to have covered a few of Seress' songs, as I have a few books with sheet music in of his work.
My email is
Posted by Krys666 at May 14, 2008 7:51 PMToday I recieved an item that should be quite interesting to you all...
A book from the 1930's called:
Szomoru vasarnap, A Novel of Love - by Laszlo Javor!
Sadly I cannot speak Hungarian, so if there are any Hungarian speaking people out there who would be so kind to translate this for me, I would be VERY grateful!
Posted by Krys at May 20, 2008 8:38 AMAH can you please send me the sheet music of Gloomy Sunday? Ive been finding it for ages!
Thousand Thanks!!
Posted by Julian at June 13, 2008 9:09 AMHi Julian, yeah, I can send it to you. Just send me an email and I'll try and get back to you asap.
Posted by Krys666 at July 1, 2008 3:00 PMHello there. Just so everybody knows, there is a 'Gloomy Sunday' compilation CD available with all of the versions of the song on. I came across it a while back on a download and decided to check it out. I asked in HMV and they said they don't stock it but they would happily order it in for me.
It is simply called "Gloomy Sunday" and Has the original version (not an original performance though, but recorded recently using the original sheet music, without words) on it, as well as, i presume, all of the available versions they could find.
Also all of the versions are available from various places on the internet, including Itunes.
Also, not sure if anybody knew this part, but it is said that if you listen to the original instrumental as you are falling asleep, it will make you dream vividly of falling, flying and drowning.
I have not tried this yet...but would be good to try.
Also, I am surprised it has not been mentioned in detail here yet (from what I can see, anyway), but the very original lyrics seem to be about War. It would make sense for the time it was written to be about the fact that most of Europe was still devastated by the First World War, and Hungary itself were at war with Romania after the First World War also. A lot of people died in the war, a lot of people's loved ones especially. I'm sure it wasn't just war, I mean the Wall Street Crash in 1929 made the World seem a pretty desperate place, and in Germany the first concentration camp had been opened and the attack on Jewish-owned shops and literature started. The world was pretty grim, to say the least. I may be being completely ignorant to the true meaning of the words here, but those lyrics to me seem to be the truly devastation lyrics, the lyrics that would drive people to suicide. And it would coincide with the fact that since the lyrics were changed fewer people committed suicide, and since they were translated, fewer again!
I know they've already been put up on here, but anyway here are the original lyrics I am talking about:
It is autumn and the leaves are falling
All love has died on earth
The wind is weeping with sorrowful tears
My heart will never hope for a new spring again
My tears and my sorrows are all in vain
People are heartless, greedy and wicked...
Love has died!
The world has come to its end, hope has ceased to have a meaning
Cities are being wiped out, shrapnel is making music
Meadows are coloured red with human blood
There are dead people on the streets everywhere
I will say another quiet prayer:
People are sinners, Lord, they make mistakes...
The world has ended!
Sorry if i've just brought up more tedious links for everyone but I hope I helped.
I believe Vege a vilagnak was /after/ Szomoru vasarnap, and many people have got the wrong end of the stick.Laszlo Javor wrote the lyrics to Szomoru vasarnap 32/33, and asked Seress to make a song out of them, which of course he agreed. Later during WWII, Seress was put in a work camp by the Nazi party, where he wrote Vege a vilagnak, I also believe this because the earliest copyright data I have read for Vege a vilagnak was 1946!
I know this information from Hungarian websties that I have had translated for me.
Maybe Seress did write his own lyrics to the melody of Gloomy Sunday, but I dont think it was Vege a vilagnak.
Hope that helps.
Btw, I'd love to check out that CD, I think I will look into it soon, thanks!
Posted by Krys666 at August 13, 2008 6:05 PM....the song was sad and depressing..i think its the song that makes the people so sad and so depressed that leads them to suicidal!...and suicides!...and die!,,...what about that?...
Posted by kevin at December 8, 2008 12:44 AMit's pretty strange people still comment on a post that's three years old
Posted by alex at December 8, 2008 4:30 AMDOES ANYONE KNOW WHERE I CAN GET THE SHEET MUSIC FOR THIS SONG?????
Posted by Lorelei Jones at March 5, 2009 6:43 PMDOES ANYONE KNOW WHERE I CAN GET THE SHEET MUSIC FOR THIS SONG?????
Posted by Lorelei Jones at March 5, 2009 6:43 PMReally though does anyone have the sheet music for the song? Preferably the clarinet?
Posted by jade at June 4, 2009 5:37 PMsome one please send me the original english recorded version of gloomy sunday plz.
some one please send me the original english recorded version of gloomy sunday plz.
I think there´s a original recording on youtube
gloomy sunday ,
its make tears in heart on a cold night,smells death and hope
Posted by siyad at May 14, 2012 10:33 PMI bought this record Gloomy Sunday by Artie Shaw in 1946 when I came back from the war and found it very moving. After I was Married the record collection seemed to disapear...Wish I had kept Artie,s record.I am now in my 92nd year and Gloomy Sunday still haunts me
Posted by billyboy at October 1, 2012 8:54 AMHere is a link to what sounds like the original recording by Rezso Seress -- it is definitely vintage and in Hungarian. Wish I could download this or find it as an MP3:
Posted by tzigane hongroise at January 23, 2013 11:08 PM