Villa Villa Nola just released a digital-only split EP by Dishwasher and Cotton Mouth. Here are two songs, there are two more at the site, and then you should just buy the thing already. It's good.
Dishwasher - "Happy Valentine's Day". Every day I pass by where Dishwasher works. (He doesn't work as a dishwasher.) I say "Hey," and he says "Hi". He is always standing at the counter, in front of a stack of Panda Bear LPs, sewing. I say, "Were you out with your laaaaady last night?" and he blushes, bashful-shuffles. He was always out with his lady. Dishwasher is an indomitable ladykiller. He is an unstoppable hook-up artist. One look from his marble-blue eyes and a pretty girl is lost. I'm always seeing him in Laurier Park, teaching a new date to hopscotch; or on the subway with a sweetie, "just spending the day on the metro"; or on the airplane heading to Paris for a "romantic weekend". He's always wearing the same corduroy jacket and the same corduroy trousers but every day he wears a different collared shirt. There he is with it on the shop-counter, sewing in his new lover's name.
Dishwasher is Martin Cesar is in Think About Life, who play songs you can dance to.
Cotton Mouth - "You Are A Pragmatist". It was a Wednesday and Bud Flaherty was at the photocopier, listening to the whine as it scanned each page. He looked down the aisle of cubicles to the window. Outside, red petals were falling. Bud narrowed his eyes. He looked back down at the photocopier. It whined. Walking back to his desk, Bud almost tripped on some vines. He gave them a kick. He sat down at his desk, brushed aside the chestnuts & acorns & curled leaves & helicopters. He smacked pollen out of his mouse-ball. He loaded up PopwerPoint and got to work. Every now and then a bat would fly into the monitor but Bud just kept working. It was Wednesday. Maybe he'd call Clara at lunch.
Cotton Mouth is Martin Horn, backed by members of Parlovr, who play songs you can shove to.
Carl Wilson has finally written up his experiences on the Colbert Report.
The story of the doomed crate sphere. (via why^5)
Tim Schwartz's Paris, Physical is my favourite conceptual artwork in eons.
(photo source unknown - thanks Robin!)
Posted by Sean at March 16, 2009 11:32 AM