Sunparlour Players - "Pacifist's Anthem"
(before was a sample from their live ep, this is now a sample from their full-length, to convince you it's worth it)
All of Sunparlour Players' songs are set in the same place, at the same time. Specifically, no time and no place. Descriptively, a place made out of pink sunsets, pale blue dawns, waist-high whispy fields, light breezes. Houses in which only old people live, but families come to sleep. In the days they are working, helping to raise the sun, stir the lakes, guard the trees, turn the ground into food. In this song, we're near a ditch near a field, now we're in a ditch, and I hear a voice, yes, it's leaning back. [Buy Hymns for the Happy]
Smog - "I Feel Like the Mother of the World"
(we've explored this album before, but with the release of a new ep, on which this song is included, I'm reminded of (no, introduced to) how perfect it is)
This song is set inside of a tire. Rolling down a hill. With the 800 guitars (yes, eight hundred) swirling around you, top, bottom, top, bottom, there is the constant, your lap, your knees beside your eyes, which is his voice.
I want to die to this song.
[Buy Rock Bottom Riser EP] [Watch the amazing video on Popsheep]
Posted by Dan at August 15, 2006 5:04 AMhmmmm, 800, i don't know if that's enough for me, more like twelve hundred guitars...maybe i'll just have to be content with 400 less. On to something that makes more sense, that's a great song
Posted by max at August 15, 2006 2:55 PMYou know how people always say "This sounds like they want to be X band, that's so done" those people are idiots. Oh...good post.
Posted by iozs at August 15, 2006 4:07 PMit's actually a hammered dulcimer. or maybe a couple dulcimers.
Posted by will stratton at August 17, 2006 2:11 AMmax, iozs - high fi'
will stratton - does one hammered dulcimer = 400 guitars? I think it's like Roman Numerals. ps. thanks.
Posted by dan at August 17, 2006 3:30 AM"Drinking At The Dam" is the kind of song I dream about recording someday.
Posted by Dave at August 17, 2006 6:37 PMyeah, in that song, it does, i thiiink. it's sort of like those couple moments in "company in my back," off of a ghost is born--also dulcimer. unless i'm totally wrong?
Posted by will stratton at August 22, 2006 12:22 AM