I was exhausted after 20 hrs of work. Good thing I live close to my studio. I can just walk and be home in about 6 minutes to sleep in my bed. If I was an iphone, my bed would be a charger and sleeping would be docking. It was around 5am on a Friday night, my battery was at about 6% to walk home. I was barely standing. If someone asked me "what is this song?", like the Shazam app, I would use too much energy(battery) and pass out. If someone asked me directions, like Google Map app, I would throw up on his/her face and stop moving. In my head, I turned off all my apps and now all I could do was just walk straight home.
I got to the corner of St-Laurent and Bernard which is about 3 mins away from my apartment. At this point, my battery was at 3%. Why is it that when your battery is super low you always want to check how much % is left which uses more battery power? It's a vicious cycle. I often worry really hard about not getting enough sleep when i try to sleep which causes a lack of sleep. I end up getting up only 65% charged in the morning.
Even though it was 5 am, there were some cars going by fast and furious. Some drunken guys walk by and yelled something that wasn't French or English, it was assholish, the language of assholes. I often catch myself saying "hi" to cats in the alley at night, but not to drunken humans. Drunks annoy me. Another thing that annoys me is aggressive cab drivers. I was just waiting for the light turned green, but a cab driver stopped in front of me and stared at me. I didn't have my hand up and wasn't even looking at him, but the cab driver shook his head, as if i had wasted his time and drove away. Next time a cab driver does that I will get into the cab and tell them, "I am just crossing the street", and get out the door on the other side.
Posted by Mitz at March 11, 2015 10:12 AM