This song is an open letter to the surrounding crowd. It says: I'll work with you, I'm willing to help, and I'll do it happily. I love each of you in a way, and hate each of you in another. We have been given a plan, and we'll see if the steps get followed, if everyone pitches in the right hands, the proper sweat. At dinner time, we'll sup and gain our strength. Some of you will read or make love to pass the time, or start fights. Weather will be a huge factor in our charge, and its fat stagger is as predictable as a sick dog. Who knows if we'll succeed, at anything more than turning the world inside out. But once you leave, I'll still be singing, and once you die, I'll mount my own projects, I'll play half in tribute, half in spite, to your stupid prayers, to your written leavings. [pre-order and free shirt!] [Daytrotter version]

This is the national anthem to a theoretical state. Created in 1995, NSK is the state created by the art collective of the same name, seemingly a club with a membership card shaped like a passport. It's the last track to Laibach's album of re-interpretations of national anthems of the world. This track is by far the best, as it's the only one presented almost untouched, or as a new work if it never existed. It plays like you're watching it on TV, in an empty small shitty eastern European living room, with overly-decorated walls. The answering machine sings along, the most patriotic thing in the room, because it listens all day long, it knows only the hollow tone of a human speaking to a machine. [Buy]
Posted by Dan at February 19, 2007 2:04 AMYour description of Bushels is just wonderful, as is the song. I'm really looking forward to the album in May.
Posted by wayne at February 19, 2007 5:42 AMHey, NSK!
I had a really nice conversation with one of the founders of NSK a couple of years ago. You should check out the artwork of the artgroup called Irwin. Good stuff!
Posted by Kenneth at February 19, 2007 7:29 AMHey, I didn't know that Laibach album was out, thanks.
Posted by Stas at February 19, 2007 10:19 AM