Ted Lucas - "It's So Easy When You Know What You're Doing". I apologize for Said the Gramophone's recent quiet. I was getting married. This was a whirlwind, a snowstorm, a carnival, but also a well-executed game-plan, a careful choreography, a fine scheme. There were bells, toasts, questions, answers, breakdancers, curries, flowers, slapshots, marshmallows, blindfolds, speeches, dancing to "One Thing" and "Sweet Thing". I wore a blue suit. She carried a bouquet. We did our thing and then tumbled into another thing.
Ted Lucas isn't singing about such a perfect love, here. Stuff is a little tangled, a little messed-up. Chicks, money, etc. But I think he felt the same thing as I did, when I was staring out onto a room full of friends - sometimes life is easy, sometimes being deliberate is perfectly simple, sometimes time unspools like a fine red carpet, a berry growing on a vine. Sometimes singing to the world is just as easy as singing to yourself. [buy]
Posted by Sean at October 14, 2013 1:31 PMApology accepted. Congratulations!
And I am sorry, but 'I wore a blue suit. She carried a bouquet' made me think of a naked bride, carrying nothing but flowers...
best wishes! i remember thinking at the time that your StG post on nick drake's "place to be" would make a great reading at a wedding. just re-read it - yup!
Posted by kc at October 14, 2013 5:35 PMBest wishes indeed. Married life should be ‘so easy’ as long as you remember, as someone told me years ago, that “we” comes before “i” in “wedding.”
Posted by RPS at October 14, 2013 11:27 PMCongratulations, Sean!
Posted by Kenneth T at October 15, 2013 9:06 AMCongrats!
Posted by Casimir at October 15, 2013 2:46 PMMazel Tov! Thanks for introducing me to Ted Lucas. Been enjoying the rest of this stuff the last few days.
Posted by Ben at October 18, 2013 4:27 PMFélicitations !!
Reading StG for years now, I feel like you're quite part of the family, so as such I wish for you and your dear one all the imaginable happiness.
Exciting news, Sean! Congrats to both of you.
Posted by Amy at October 21, 2013 11:33 PMWell said, Sean. It was a truly beautiful event!
Posted by Jenny at October 22, 2013 3:44 PM