Sun Kil Moon - "Heron Blue". This is a list of predators: vultures, panthers, elephant seals; wolves, jellyfish, asps; sharks, hornets, hawks; winters, springs, summers; doubts, clouds, years; no-signal, ice-cubes, knots; pinpricks, splinters, frays; mouths, and rows; and loss; and cold kitchen floors. [buy]
Nick Drake - "Place To Be". If you are in the habit of reading horticultural handbooks, you will know that some plants grow only in certain places. (Sometimes this fact is disclosed in botanical guides, too.) You're not going to grow a moontree in northern Ontario, nor a glimmer-bush in Papua New Guinea. Maple trees are for here, Quebec, and places nearby. Paprika is for Hungary, snow-roses for central Russia, and murmur-rushes grow only along the Mississippi. Human beings are different. If you are in the habit of reading anatomical handbooks, you will know that people grow almost everywhere. (Sometimes this fact is disclosed in anthropological dissertations, too) A person can be born in Bethlehem and dwell in Kansas City; she can get lost in Seville and grow old in Liverpool. People are hardy, they are adaptable. They are of every place, yes? Yes? I am asking because I am not sure, in the end. Nick Drake makes me wonder, a kiss makes me wonder. We bob and weave, we feint and journey and strive. We go everywhere, we ivy everywhere. & yet &y &y &y &y &y &y, well, what if? What if there is indeed a somewhere where we belong. A somewhere or a side-by-side. A gaze in which we truly flourish, a room in which we flower. Or a touch under which we, trembling, grow. [buy/really buy]
Posted by Sean at April 14, 2008 2:52 PM