Wishbone - "Over and Over". Would that we had spells. Would that we did. One of the great sorrows of my life, maybe the sorrow that ushered me out of childhood, was the comprehension that we do not. There are no spells, there never have been. Just deliberate syllables, thrown bones, without effect. Just empty hocus pocus. Would that we had spells. On a morning like this I could slide up to someone and ask for a spell; ask for magic just as I'd ask for the time, for a tissue, spare some change. Every person's spell would be different. Some spells rough as ripped concrete, others slick and rainbow as oilspots. Some float, some sink. Plunge your heartsick life into a perfect spell, dip your calloused hands. Bare your heart, unclenched. Take a deep breath, or five breaths; maybe five breaths make a spell. Would that we had spells. Then, any action might be a ritual. Every move could be a rite. The bar could be an altar, each of your friends high priests. Your home could be a cauldron.
This song - this one here - hear it as a hex. A kind hex with effect.
(image by Okamoto Kiichi, via A London Salmagundi and 50 Watts.)
Umm...WOW! The song is fantastic...but the excerpt!!! I just fell into your words being ushered in by the track and I wanted to cry, at work, just cry at my desk. That was phenomenal. Sometimes I believe in mankind. When our energies are in sync. When you and I are on tuned into the same frequencies. When words just make sense. When I get it. Thank you.
Posted by Patches815 at March 14, 2015 2:16 PM