An orderly process, a systematic day. Measure twice, cut once. Marry the correct partner, purchase a solid house, remember to season your cast-iron pans. Check for rust. Knock twice on the watermelon. I recommend products with lifetime warranties. Sometimes the sky is blazed with lightning-bolts and you think, It is ruined, it will never be the same. But the sky is not ruined; it is always mended. Do things right the first time - they will never need doing again.
[buy Jacno's debut, from 1979]
Kool A.D. ft Talib Kweli & Boots Riley - "Hickory".
"This is my friend Sam."
"Hi Sam."
"Sam doesn't speak. He doesn't have a mouth."
"Oh, right, yeah. I should have noticed that..."
"Sam's not a person. He's a flavour."
"Like... a taste?"
"More than a taste; a flavour. A discrete and particular essence of a taste."
"He's an abstract concept."
"He's an abstract concept that's grounded in the real."
"Like a horizon?"
"Kind of like a horizon. He is an incredible dancer, an excellent friend, but he has no arms, legs or corporeal presence."
"He seems nice."
"We're talking about him like he isn't here! Hahaha!"
"Hahahahahaha! Hahaha!"
"I love hanging out with flavours. The best party I've ever been to in my life was at Sam's place. A house-party, but I was pretty much the only guest who wasn't a flavour. Just a whole house full of flavours, flavours in every room. It was euphoric, almost psychedelic. When I woke up the next day I felt like my senses had been scrubbed with grapefruit-juice."
"That reminds me of this time I went to a party at a saxophone-player's house. Everyone was a saxophone-player. Saxophones everywhere, swinging from everyone's necks."
"Except you."
"Yeah, except me. I didn't have a sax to bring. I brought chips."
"Sometimes I feel sad that Sam can't eat chips."