Dva - "Zoppe". Are you a trumpet or are you a man? It is one thing if you ask this question of a person; it is another if you ask it of a trumpet. Would a trumpet say, "I am a trumpet! I am a trumpet! I am not a man I am a trumpet!"? Or would the trumpet try to pretend? Would the trumpet say, "I'm a person! I'm a woman! I am!"? Would the trumpet confirm or deny? Perhaps there are trumpets among us, pretending. Perhaps that pal with perfect mouth-trumpet is not a human pal at all: she is shiny brass, she is curved metal, she is a soundmaker lifted to lips.
Dva's "Zoppe" is an acapella fugue, a pliant cacophony, a summer's day flowing backwards into spring.
[buy / thanks Jonathan!]
Posted by Sean at October 27, 2014 11:07 AMIndeed, thanks Sean and thanks Jonathan, wonderful music!
Posted by Michiel at October 28, 2014 4:19 PMThis is quite enchanting. Loving that organ that appears halfway through. Great layers - cool Sufjan Stevens-y vibes.
Posted by Michael Chung at November 2, 2014 12:05 AM