Frederick Squire - "Every Dollar Bill Could Kill Me". Sunrise hangover, achey lake, a sandwich with turkey & cranberry & leftover sparkles. The sparkles are still stuck to your hands. There is lipstick on your collar and there are several empty boxes, and you feel as if your life has been rummaged-through, thoroughly rummaged, shaken until the snowflakes come out. [buy]
Sinéad O'Connor - "Mandinka". At first the cloud gun was only supposed to be used to take down asteroids. Gigantic megaton world-enders, hurtling through space. But Corporal Anderson grew overeager with her weapon. As she awaited armageddon, she grew casual. She began to use the cloud gun when waiting in traffic jams, when the line-up at the hardware store was too long, after viewing exes' wedding photos on Facebook. She would raise the cloud gun's titanium muzzle and push the WARM UP button. Around her, the clouds would begin to fall to earth, cumulus & cirrus sucked into the gun's backside. Corporal Anderson would listen to herself breathing. She would feel the weight of storms in her hands. She would think about that time when she was a little girl, with the fireflies, when she believed she could just dream herself a life.
S.P.O.A.G., the Society for the Preservation of Anachronistic Gesture, is finally online.
Posted by Sean at December 26, 2011 1:24 PM