QT - "Hey QT". Ten thousand CDs, boiled in a crucible. The material is opaque, gelatinous, silver; it oozes like sponsored swill. Pour the quivering polymer into a mould. Put the mould in a gyroscope. After seven days of spinning, the mould is ready. The manufacturer pries the two halves apart. A woman is standing there, a mannequin, with black eyelashes and rouged cheeks, a silver minidress. She is a mannequin and yet she moves. And yet she sings, in a voice like Dance Mix 94 and Dance Mix 95 and Mixes 96 through 99. The song is old and new again. It is consolidated, like liver mush. It is the finest product of the season. [website / out soon with XL]
(image source unknown)
Posted by Sean at August 28, 2014 7:47 PMwords cannot describe my love for the picture you used in this post (is it the band's album cover?). The concept is similar to a japanese group called FEMM. Not a huge fan of this song, but to each his own i guess. And its made up for and then some by the artwork.
I, too, am just as mesmerized by the artwork...
Posted by Michael Chung at August 29, 2014 9:02 PMI'm also fascinated by this artwork and I tracked it down as the cover of the album "All Our Favourite Stories" by Dog Is Dead. This interview (with one of the band members, I guess) discusses some details of it but fails to mention who actually made it: http://www.clashmusic.com/features/the-art-of-noise-dog-is-dead-all-our-favourite-stories
Posted by Bryce at September 3, 2014 4:02 AM