Esau Mwamwaya & Radioclit - "Cape Cod Kwassa Kwassa" (Vampire Weekend cover).
Esau Mwamwaya & Radioclit (with Ben Brewer) - "Dinosaur On The Ark".
For a long time I have had an eBay Alert set up for Esau Mwamwaya. So that when he finally releases something, I can buy it. He hasn't released anything, though. And I haven't posted about him. But I love this stuff. It's like the indie rock version of Juluka - joyous, rousing, easy. It's chewing on sugarcane and floating on your back. He sings with such unselfconscious glee, as only a furniture salesman can. But Radioclit's beats (or, Vampire Weekend's, or MIA's, as the case may be) are also responsible for the songs' sky-blue sweetness. Sunbeams bottled, rainclouds fizzed - clean and undistorted glitter, a hundred shades of shine.
"Dinosaur on the Ark"'s Ben Brewer - who was once best known as one of Canada's wealthiest heirs, and is now best known as MIA's fiancé, - sings with an earnesty that is sterling silver, okay maybe stainless steel. Like Phil Collins or Adam Levine it's uncoloured & true, a perfect partner for Mwamwaya's utopian cheer.
"Cape Cod Kwassa Kwassa" has Mwamwaya taking on Vampire Weekend's melody and riff, saluting them at every opportunity, but whereas VW find their feeling in ambivalences, verses, nostalgia, Mwamwaya's version is straight gleeful - in love with life, with dancing, with the squeak yr sneakers make on the floor.
[MySpace/download the entire album]
(Thanks to the reliably keen ears & eyes at Gorilla vs Bear for catching the mixtape release!)
(photo is of Olle Hemmendorff's 'Nike Air Max 90 Burger')
Posted by Sean at November 18, 2008 8:00 AM'Earnesty'? I do like it when people invent new words...
Posted by David B at November 18, 2008 8:10 AMHi! I'm so in love with The Very Best thanks to this post. Thank you so much. I'm gonna spend the rest of the day looking at all the older posts (a continuation of how I spent most of last night). Thanks again...
Posted by Tabitha at November 19, 2008 6:54 AMWhat is the provenance of the hamburger shoe?
Thanks for the super blog.
Posted by Grace at November 19, 2008 9:38 AM"chewing on sugarcane and floating on your back"
I love that. These songs are A+, thanks.
Posted by Carina at November 19, 2008 10:05 AM