Way Yes - "Important". Scrumble pat, slip-slip, dub. Grounge the words when the feelings are wrong. Build a site, love, fip it to the rex. No scruffs. No doubts. Yearner high, lift, point upsing til the lopers move. Move it, lopers! Never a gibberish singing less than yes. It don't matter lest you nor, and even then you lose trips burring swift.
[EP out soon on Lefse Records]
Sean Nicholas Savage - "Common Ground (Disco Promise)". Sean Nicholas Savage coos his song for 25-year-olds, and I'm listening today, on my 30th birthday, half bemused and half Right-On!, because Sean Savage is too young to know anything, that singy twerp; he's seen only 5/6ths of the shine I've seen; he's a kid with a catchy tune and white sneakers, probably, unscuffed. Then again, Sean Savage has the wisdom of the crooner. The things he sings seem true, because we can string them across our rooms. Pop-singers have a certain prophetic power: we hook their hooks on things. We sing along, no matter where we're at.
"Everything's going to change againAs we get older, we mustn't forget how to sharpen those daggers.
That's the meaning of life
So go on pick up a knife
Carve yourself a chance
Carve a circumstance."
[buy Flamingo on cassette/pay-what-you-want download]
Elsewhere: I wrote a cover story for Hour on this week's (sold out) tributes to the late Lhasa de Sela.
(photo source - from an installation by Yayoi Kusama)